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  • Daniel Lellouche

Going even simpler with XSBS 4.0

Since 2020, we are transforming XSBS solution, V4.0, in a simpler presentation that make it more easy to use for anyone and more importantly much much easier to install in any company framework.

Since we launched XSBS in 2011, company users had to have XSBS installed on their computer by IT people. Not that XSBS was complex software, way not, but companies often have complex internal rules about software installation.

Since 2022 August, XSBS is now available in version 4.0. With this version, XSBS has become a simple XLL application that you can use at any time with Excel. Still you need a license number, defie your SAP connections to instruct XSBS how to connect SAP, but no more local application on your laptop. You only need to download the XSBS.XLL and then run any of your XSBS application like XSBS-Analytics, APO planning book, Purchasing workbench etc..

Should you be interested in migrating to the newest version or simply adopt XSBS as a companion to your SAP applications to get the best out of them, you know what...?

Please ask us, we will be very pleased to open you the new era of XSBS.

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