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  • Daniel Lellouche

E_ecology! Another E?

Again another E that tries to make the buz! We are all a little upset of those commercial Es that are combined since 25 years to many common words, like bay, business, links, etc..

So, is this new E another marketing trick to capture potential customers?

Answer is no! Definitely No!

With E_ecology, lets try pushing best practices around IT habits we all have. We all use IT power nowadays, all over the world. All the 324 countries in our world use IT power.

A lot is already written about this, what to do to save the planet, what not to do to avoid buying and burning oil, gaz. Yet a lot has been conceptualized, unfortunately without any explicit brand that represents the little little thing that nails something in our minds.

So if we all get this E_ecology, pronounce E...cology, nailed in the back of our brain, we may remember at all times some of the basics of ecology applied to our E life, like the few examples below, that are extensively described in the web:

  • IT world is the most energy consummer in 2022

  • A selfie taken, is stored in the cloud consumming watts for long

  • WhatsApp video are funny, but consume way more than phone session

  • Netflix is streaming, watch what you stream!

  • Archive or delete your mails. Cloud storage is often in-memory. 1 watt/mail

  • A cloud application although being intuitive, consumes a lot more

  • Switch off sleeping devices

  • Stop your engines while buying your baguette

  • Running domestic machines in low periods avoid running extra coal power plants

  • etc..

So I am E_ecolog, I will right away kill couple hundreds of useless mails sleeping in my outlook, now!

What about you?

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