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Concept - Turn Excel as SAP UI

Amplify the power of SAP with Excel!

XSBS ensures users and organizations the complete leveraging of their SAP solution investment. Since 2010, XSBS facilitates SAP end-user daily work, using Excel as an intelligent front-end. XSBS proposes a structured and secured framework to allow Users working in Excel as per normal, using their own cockpits and applications whereas managing seamlessly SAP data in real-time

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Why users naturally  think Excel ?

Users find it easier to manage large data sets in Excel

Users feel more comfortable working in Excel environment which they already master since years

Everybody knows Excel, Everyone is different, Each one has a personal skills level in Excel, however all of this work smoothly, effortlessly

Excel offers extra functionalities such as graphs, analysis tools, and formatting, allowing for more agility and appropriation from users

Because SAP cannot cover all business requirements. Because business needs evolve and vary faster than SAP software

Ensure consistency with XSBS

Using XSBS is not another way of performing simple and errorful “Cut&Paste” data operations


XSBS represents a complete integration between SAP and Excel. It allows retrieving data from SAP without any compromise on performances


With XSBS controlled framework, you reduce data dissemination in files by saving your results data back into SAP


With XSBS, Excel becomes a workbench for your SAP users

Extend your calculation capabilities using EXCEL built-in functions

Personalize your own dashboard by grouping data coming from , multiple screens in SAP, possibly coming from various SAP systems, all into single screens, in realtime

Cover functional requirements by introducing refined business rules, combined with your SAP corporate solutions 

XSBS gives you the opportunity to manage SAP business data directly in Excel, taking advantage of user-friendly UIs. Unleash your business agility and benefit of the acumen of your internal experts !

Scalable and modular solution


XSBS Benefits

Compliance with SAP security policy

Concurrent access to multiple SAP systems at the same time

Seamless integration between SAP systems (S4, ECC, BW…) and Excel

Allowing flexibility to work offline and synchronize later at reconnection time

Broader user acceptance for SAP applications by providing personalized and business-relevant solutions

Handling of large datasets without compromise on performance thank to XSBS In-Memory instant Database

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